> >>> I may be new to clam, but I've been building & running my own LFS
> >>> systems since 2004.
> I guess I got the wrong impression.  Perhaps you should try

You wouldn't be the first.  My career though computing hasn't been academic.  
One doesn't need to know C to install & run LFS, a broad programming background 
will do.  I've done from APL to PL/1 in former decades.

> https://curl.se/mail/
> for help configuring curl's logging.

That's an appropriate suggestion, if it's active.  I'll give it a try.

> ClamAV but wouldn't have much difficulty in using it.  What's the use
> case for ClamAV in your system?  From what you've said I'd think that
> the attackable surface would be so small that ClamAV could contribute
> relatively little to its further reduction.

I hope that's true; it is with intent.  Even so, it's not zero and there are 
entries through webpages.  Malware is intentionally hard to spot, so it helps 
to have all the tools.

> Yes, it's Linux From Scratch.  But you do run X, and some kind of a
> window manager?  Can you not install VirtualBox?

On a 512MB, 1GHz Pentium III?  I did say "legacy", I believe.  Don't ask why.  
If even possible, isn't that masochism?

Paul Rogers
Rogers' Second Law: "Everything you do communicates."
(I do not personally endorse any additions after this line. TANSTAAFL :-)


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