Hi there,

On Tue, 17 May 2022, An Schall via clamav-users wrote:

we are trying to get clamscan / clamdscan functional on a RHEL with
GPFS as a filesystem.

Is the operating system also on GPFS or is this a separate filesystem?

Do you have any examples of clamdscan actually being able to delete a
test file on this system, or can it never do that?

We are using clamAV 0.104.2. On a different test machine everything
works like a charm.

Does the system which appears to be working as you expect also use the
GPFS filesystem in the same way?

However, on this specific RHEL machine, we get the following errors:
# clamdscan -v --config-file=/etc/clamav/clamd.conf --multiscan \

Do you see the same problem using 'clamscan' instead of 'clamdscan'?

--fdpass ./ /global/mmds/test/platform/antivirus/antivirus/yes\
-virus/dissemination-benchmark-file-set-plus-virus.zip: Can't \
unlink file ERROR

Generally speaking it is dangerous to configure ClamAV utilities to
unlink files.  If you get it wrong, you can easily trash a perfectly
good system.  It's possible for ClamAV erroneously to flag something
in one of your system files - what we call a 'false positive'.  These
can happen at more or less any time without warning because signatures
in the official signature databases are updated at least twice per day
and other signatures (if you use them) may be updated at any time.  If
you configure ClamAV to delete suspicious files, you are trusting that
third parties won't make any mistakes that could ruin your whole week.
In any case I wonder if you can be sufficiently confident that you'll
never get it wrong yourself.  Speaking for myself, I'd never be sure
and I'd never let ClamAV delete anything except its own tempfiles.  Of
course you might be happy to delete files in a non-system partition if
you can be sure that's the limit of the foreseeable damage.

What is the underlying reason of this error message?

The underlying reason could be that clamdscan does not have permission to
unlink the file.  AppArmor and SELinux often give troubles like this.  In
this case that might not be the explanation.  You tell us that libclamav

"reports something about ""cli_unlink" failure no such file or directory".

The exact error message is usually more helpful than "something about"
but this looks fairly straightforward.  The clue is in the part which
says "no such file or directory".  It seems to be saying that you are
asking libclamav to unlink a file which it can't find.  One thing you
might want to check is that the path which libclamav is complaining
about is what you would expect.  This looks suspicious to me:


Do you really have a directory 'antivirus' which contains a directory
called 'antivirus'?  It isn't impossible but when mounting filesystems
it's the sort of mistake that can happen.  In addition there are some
not-so-subtle differences between 'unlink' and 'remove' which might be
relevant especially if you're using unusual filesystems but I wouldn't
start digging that hole just yet.

Here is the clamd.conf:

The output of the command

clamconf -n

is often helpful.

I don't know why libclamav couldn't find the file that it was trying
to delete.  Perhaps it really wasn't there.  Perhaps there's something
funky going on in the filesystem.  Perhaps another process deleted the
file (or renamed it, moved it or part of the path, or whatever) before
libclamav tried.  You need to investigate.  I see you're using verbose
logging, detailed logs might help if you can place them e.g. on a file
sharing service for us to look at.

Read the man page for clamdscan.  Do be aware that although clamdscan
accepts many clamd options, it ignores most of them.  The actual scan
parameters are determined by the clamd configuration in effect at the
time that clamd was started.

Have you checked for possible ClamAV issues in the Github repository?
I don't see anything there which looks likely to explain your problem
and I haven't seen similar complaints on the list, but I might easily
have missed something.




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