Hi there,

On Fri, 28 Oct 2022, Wally Spratz wrote:

Does anybody have any idea of what this Malware does

The clue is in the name: ".Generic-".

Mr. Varnell has shown you the signature.  As he pointed out it's one
which has been around for several years, so that's evidence that it's
not very prone to false positives; AFAICT it hasn't been mentioned on
the ClamAV Users' list until you brought it up.  If you look at the
strings in the decoded signature, you can probably agree that things
which contain them would be suspect.

If you'd like a second opinion you can always send a copy of the
offending file to Jotti and/or Virus Total:



My guess is you will find that at least half a dozen other scanners
complain about it.  They might give you more information, or at least
a bit more context.

and how it is acquired?

Given your description of where it was found, I'd guess by not being
careful in your browsing habits.  Bear in mind that the fact that it's
in your browser cache doesn't necessarily mean that anything on your
system is vulnerable to it, but all the same this isn't something that
you'd want to treat lightly.  If a site is hosting anything malicious,
even if it's something to which your system isn't vulnerable, it must
be considered dangerous because you can never know what else it might
be hosting to which your system *might* be vulnerable.  As you've said
"eventually it comes back" it is - just about - possible that there is
some persistent malware doing things when you aren't looking, but now
I'm getting into the weeds and I think the overwhelming probability is
that you are using some Website which has been compromised.  I'd take
anything like this as a warning that I need to be more careful about
the sites that I visit.  Maybe You can do a service to the community
by trying to find which site it is and alerting the owner, but the
vast majority of compromised Websites are run by hopeless cases and
you'd probably just be wasting your time.  Far better to avoid them,
and let them die a natural death.

I've never seen anything like this in my browser's cache directory but
(1) I'm cautious about Websites that I visit and (2) I never scan it.



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