Andrew C Aitchison via clamav-users wrote:
On Mon, 12 Dec 2022, newcomer01 wrote:

Well on my PC I changed a lot because the naming was too messy for me.

I have "program" clam*d*scan for which I have a clam*d*.conf and a "program" clamscan for which I have a clamscan.conf. And then the normal "program" freshclam with the freshclam.conf.
That is logic ;-)

To feed clam*d*scan and clamscan with the same conf is stupid, because both programs have different options.

clamscan (no 'd') does not have a config file at all.
Which options do you want to be different ?
Many of the options are the same. At least as a default I would expect the
  --scan-* --alert-* --max-* --*-pua options to be the same.

(Ignoring the freshclam config) clamscan *does not have a config file*
so there is curently no need for an option

As I asked before,
which settings do you expect clamscan to read from this config ?

I don't need this myself, but if you regularly set a lot of options for ad-hoc use it would be handy to have a config file to set them in the same way you do for clamdscan (and/or clamd, option depending) rather than typing them out all the time or dragging a wrapper script around.

Or, just have clamscan parse and use the same options from clamd.conf, because they ultimately trigger the same libclamav code paths.


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