Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for your help always.
The purpose of this email is to inquire about ClamAV's MaxFileSize.

We are currently using ClamAV version 0.103.7.
We are planning to update to version 1.0.1 and are testing it.
When AlertExceedsMax is set to yes and a file with the same number of bytes as 
MaxFileSize is scanned,
In version 0.103.7, the message "Heuristics.Limits.Exceeded.MaxFileSize FOUND 
with AlertExceedsMax" is output, but in version 1.0.1, the message is no longer 
displayed. Is this a specification?

The clamd.conf setting is as follows
・MaxFileSize 2048M

The log of clamd demon is as follows.
・clamd daemon 1.0.1 (OS: Linux, ARCH: x86_64, CPU: x86_64)
・Limits: File size limit set to 2147483648 bytes.

The verification file was created using the following command
・fsutil file createnew 2.0G.dat 2147483648

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,

Nozomi Tachibanaki


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