Dear all,

I'm running ClamAV inside a Docker container, and I would like to save the 
result of the scan, but I only get "log." What I mean is:

When I run interactively[1], I see:

Scanning /scandir/2018_085_Minsuk ionic flame Final_a-01.tif
/scandir/2018_085_Minsuk ionic flame Final_a-01.tif: OK
Scanning /scandir/2018_086_Aamir & Fethi cover trial final c.jpg
/scandir/2018_086_Aamir & Fethi cover trial final c.jpg: OK
Scanning /scandir/Thumbs.db
/scandir/Thumbs.db: OK

But what I get on my log is:

Scanning /scandir/2018_085_Minsuk ionic flame Final_a-01.tif
Scanning /scandir/2018_086_Aamir & Fethi cover trial final c.jpg
Scanning /scandir/Thumbs.db

How can I save the line with the result "OK" in the log file? Adding ` 
--stdout` makes no difference.

Best Regards


PS C:\Users\garcm0b\Downloads\autoarchive\2018batch\Image_Files> docker run  
-it --rm --name clam_test -v 
Files\Heno:/scandir' -v 'C:\Users\garcm0b\Downloads\Work_Test:/log' 
clamav/clamav:latest clamscan /scandir  --verbose  --recursive=yes  

Marcelo Garcia


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