On 18/08/2023 05:29, Orion Poplawski via clamav-users wrote:
On 7/25/23 02:54, Bhavsar Bhushan via clamav-users wrote:

Hello Support Team,

Recently we have install Clam AV on RHEL 8.7 server using Installing - ClamAV Documentation <https://docs.clamav.net/manual/Installing.html>

But after installation getting error Failed to start clamd scanner () daemon..

Can you please help me in this case.

Forgive me not replying to OPs message, it was before I joined the mailing list.

I notice in the screenshot the ExecStart line in the systemctl status output says:

/usr/bin/clamd -c /etc/clamd.d/.conf

That looks a lot like the config file should have been clamd.conf but you put .conf instead. Either you compiled it to look for the config file there, or left out the config file option entirely when compiling and that's what it falls back to.

Alternatively you misconfigured the systemd system file, presumably:


and put /etc/clamd.d/.conf instead of /etc/clam.d/clamd.conf.

On a side point, typically that configuration directory would be /etc/clamd/ or /etc/clamav/ rather than /etc/clamd.d/ but I spend more time on Debian than RHEL so I might be wrong and it doesn't matter so long as it's right in your systemd .service file and in your compiled binaries, but just check that really is the correct path to the config.


Adam Sweet

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