
On Fri, April 23, 2010 20:15, Christoph Wilke wrote:
> On Thu, April 22, 2010 20:32, Bogár György wrote:
>>            Christoph Wilke írta:       Hi,  On Wed, April 21, 2010 14:04,
>> Bogár György wrote:           Dear Gerry  I installed your packages
>> on the Lenny (mysql and web packages) but when I started the init
>> script that does not return to the prompt.            Does the
>> skript echoes something out? On what shell did you execute it?
>> Ok, I made the new file in "/etc/default/" named: "clapf:" :
>>  and its Okay
> If this file isn't installed it's a bug in the package.
> I hope I will find some minutes in the next days to fix this.

I wonder why the file was missing on your installation? If it where
missing, the installation couldn't have succeeded, since the init
skript is called during the process.

But anyway I updated the package and included the deamon switch
into the skript. Hope this avoids trouble like this in the future...


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