I do not have access to my books and papers at the moment.

I have been asked to review a paper that uses Multidimensional Scalogram Analysis.

I have an impression that it is a generalization of Guttman scaling yielding dimensions along which cases are ordered.
What kind of similarity/distances does it use?

Are there methods that are mathematically the same thing as "multiple scalogram analysis" but have different names?
Do you have a cite which states this equivalence?

How does  Multidimensional Scalogram Analysis compare to multiple correspondence analysis, dual scaling, or categorical PCA?

The study uses dichotomous (2-valued) variables.  Some of the the variables are  a set that represents levels of a polychotomy. One of the dichotomies could be a trichotomy (yes, no, unknown). Now the "unknown" is collapsed collapsed into "no".
-- What other methods would arrange the cases along dimensions given this kind of data?

Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants

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