Hi Audrius

Audrius Meskauskas wrote:

Hi, Nicolas,

>Are you sure this is the correct behaviour? The class of the stream (which contains the members that couldn't be unserialized and were the cause of the bug) is loaded in RMI with the resolveClass method of the gnu.java.rmi.server.RMIObjectInputStream. This method calls the java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader.loadClass() which uses a specific class loader. Shouldn't the fields be loaded by this class loader instead of the application's class loader (which is actually the thread's context class loader)?

The thread context class loader need not be always the applications class loader, this is just the default value. To load remote classes in the ObjectInputStream methods, the mentioned RMI-specific class loader should probably be set as the thread context class loader.

That was my conclusion :). In fact I was asking for your opinion. (and any RMI expert on the list)

This must be done before that thread calls methods of the ObjectInputStream. This another future fix would be additional to the recently applied patch, actualy solving another bug (remote class loading problems).

Yes, it would be additional.

I'm no expert on RMI and was asking if you thought my conlusion was right. Maybe it's no sense to change the thread's class loader to correct this issue, or maybe this is the correct behaviour.



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