Raif S. Naffah wrote:
> the attractiveness of the native code is performance.  to 
> quickly see how the 
> new methods improve for example RSA key generation, one can 
> modify the code 
> in TestOfRSAKeyGeneration (Mauve) to call the generate() 
> method N times and 
> print the duration --on my machine i get for 5 rounds:
> + with GMP        969ms.
> - without GMP  11,718ms.

Hmm. That is indeed significant. However, looking at the profile for
generate(), it spends nearly all its time in
BigInteger.isProbablePrime() and I ran a few comparisons between our
implementation of isProbablePrime() and Sun's and we're not that much
slower (on IKVM only about 50% slower), I'm not sure what to make of

> > - Can you prove there aren't any security holes in your native code?
> there are none to my knowledge.

The finalizer looks dangerous. For example, a subclass could call
finalize multiple times, resulting in multiple calls to free() (which
may or may not be exploitable). Note that you cannot solve this by only
fixing the finalizer (see the PDF I linked to previously).


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