Nic Ferrier wrote:
> Is there any reason why Classpath couldn't include your source code
> in the CVS?
> If you hosted the CVS for gnu regexp on subversions (via the savannah
> system) we would be able to create a link from the Classpath CVS to
> your source code directories to make it seem as if Classpath included
> your source code (but it would still be maintained separately).

That would work.  I've been making slow progress on getting set up on 
Savannah (there's a project created, but I don't yet have CVS access 

> I think to do that you'd need to hand over (c) to the GNU project.

As well as getting all past contributors to do so, I would presume, 
which might take some time.

> Alternately Classpath could start to deliver jar files with the
> distribution. I personally think we should make Aaron's getopt stuff
> available with Classpath.

I see gnu.regexp as something analogous to a RPM dependency, so that 
might be appropriate in the near term.

> Embrace and extend.

Now where have I heard that before..? :-)


P.S. Nic, did you ever find the javax.servlet.jsp.tagext classes?  I 
received confirmation from FSF last week that they have my (c) 
assignment on file, so you should be able to add them to classpathx.

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