Hi !

I am trying to import object serialization classes from Classpath to kaffe. I managed
to make them work together but I found some behaviour inconsistencies. For example,
I do not understand the method java.io.ObjectStreamClass.getSerialPersistentFields:
apparently the official documentation says we must use the field serialPersistentFields
to explicitly describe the fields to be exported, however you seem to use
"getSerialPersistentFields" instead. Besides you suppress the check for the availability
of the field although it is quite sure it will not be there (I did not find it in the all source
code of classpath): this causes some huge NullPointerException problems.
The only solution is to change the name "getSerialPersistentFields" into "serialPersistentFields"
but I do not see the point to complicate things... :( (if someone can explain it to me)

For the moment, there are still some problems with kaffe's regression tests and trying to
reduce them...


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