Pedro Izecksohn wrote:
> >And maybe we can share one instance of the EmptyNodeList
> >for the whole dom tree so if a tree contains lots of empty node list we
> >only allocate one.
> I was thinking on this issue.
> >The cast in getChildNode() isn't necessary since
> >EmptyNodeList already is a NodeList.
> I wrongly typed that.
> Add to
> import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
>   /**
>    * Returns an EmptyNodeList.
>    */
>   public NodeList getChildNodes()
>   {
>     return EmptyNodeList.getInstance();
>   }
> Add to gnu/xml/dom:
> package gnu.xml.dom;
> import org.w3c.dom.Node;
> import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
> public final class EmptyNodeList implements NodeList
> {
>   private static EmptyNodeList instance = new EmptyNodeList();
>   public static final EmptyNodeList getInstance() {return instance;}
>   public EmptyNodeList () {}
>   public final int getLength () {return 0;}
>   public final Node item (int index) {return null;}
> }

I would prefer:

final class EmptyNodeList implements NodeList
        static final EmptyNodeList instance = new EmptyNodeList();
        public final int getLength() {return 0;}
        public final Node item(int index) {return null;}

That way:
1. you avoid the unnecessary overhead of a method call (getInstance).
2. that which has no need to be public is not public.
Chris Burdess

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