Hi Audrius,

On Sat, 2006-02-18 at 20:19 +0100, Audrius Meskauskas wrote:
> My train connection is such that I arrive at 19:26 directly into 
> Charleoi from Namur. I will try to come to La Mort Subite - 7 rue 
> Montagne aux Herbes Potageres  as soon as possible, but surely there is 
> no any hope at 18:00.

Don't worry. I will make sure to wait for you there. Really looking
forward to meeting you! If you cannot find it, or you happen to arrive
much later please call me +31-6-51877169.

> It would be very nice to have the start of 
> the meeting later or move it to the Saturday evening (when all folk will 
> be in place) or probably Sunday evening (I do not know when the majority 
> of people depart, I depart on Monday). Making the meeting in the first 
> day so ealy may restrict the number of people who are able to come.

Since the meeting is in a cafe it will not be very formal. It will just
be a fun event to know each other better. And we will certainly try to
go out together on Saturday night after the formal FOSDEM program.
(Anyone suggestions?)

See you in Brussels,


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