Hi Raif,

On Wed, 2006-03-01 at 05:51 +1100, Raif S. Naffah wrote:
> what is the expected milestone (definition and how to measure it) to 
> reach before releasing a version 1 --or 1.4 whatever that final number 
> will be?

According to our homepage it is: "GNU Classpath 1.0 will be fully
compatible with the 1.1 and largely compliant with the 1.2 API
specification and will have a stable API for interacting with virtual
machines." Which I think we have now (plus lots of additional 1.3, 1.4
and 1.5 stuff).

Personally I think 1.0 is when we feel it isn't just some experimental
code anymore, but that people can use GNU Classpath for real world
applications, and we feel comfortable supporting those users. Which also
has been true (for years). Just look at any recent distribution.

Seeing all the comments to my simple question "what should the next
snapshot release version be?" I get the feeling 1.0 means a lot of
different things to a lot of different people. That was really why I
just suggested to drop the "0." from our version number (21), or use
date based version numbers (6.03). I thought we could avoid a discussion
about the semantics of 1.0, while still showing how mature our product
is. Guess I was wrong :)

I actually think the projects based on GNU Classpath (gcj, kaffe, ikvm,
cacao, jamvm, ovm, jikesrvm, sablevm, jnode, etc.) is what it is all
about. And funnily enough most of those projects, except ikvm and jnode,
have a version numbers (much) higher than 1.0 (cacao is almost at 1.0,
with their latest 0.95 release).



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