On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 07:50 +0100, Clemens Eisserer wrote:
> > I should have added that it works fine with the JDK.
> > Matchbox is kick-ass!
> Well I never thought it could be matchbox's fault.
> Matchbox is just the WindowManager - a very little puzzle-part in the
> whole picture.

What is the exact bug report? What "it" doesn't work when run with
Matchbox as window manager? If you have a small source code example that
works normally with other window managers, but doesn't with Matchbox
that would help. I tried some of our demo programs under matchbox and
they seem to work fine. Matchbox just make the windows very big (only
one window on top allowed it seems). But that didn't really seem to
break anything that I could see.



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