On Thu, 2006-03-30 at 23:06 +0100, David Gilbert wrote:
> I think many applications are going to fail on our implementation until 
> we get good Graphics2D support into our JComponent (many custom look and 
> feel implementations rely on it, for starters).

Agreed. Most of the things I am testing on top of our free swing do
actually work till they try using a Graphics2D environment. And our
current --enable-gtk-cairo/-Dgnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.Graphics=Graphics2D
implementation is too fragile to be really usable. There is a real plan
to get to a fully supported Graphics2D world:

But as David has shown we actually can get pretty nice results already
with a quick-and-dirty" partial implementation based on
cairo/java-gnome: http://www.object-refinery.com/jfreechart/free.html

This is really an area were some experimentation with the various
implementation strategies can be helpful.



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