The end of 2011 is near.
The Free Java Momentum will be even bigger in 2012.
Have you made your new year's resolutions yet?
And is attending Free Java @ FOSDEM 2012 on Feb 4 and 5 one of them?

Or are you even more ambitious and will you submit a talk proposal?
Then please make sure you submit an abstract before the end of the year
to Full instructions can be found at:
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We are pleased to announce the Call for Participation
in the FOSDEM 2012 Free Java DevRoom!

This marks the 9th year that the Free Java DevRoom
has been a part of FOSDEM.
Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th of February 2012
Brussels, Belgium

The Free Java DevRoom has become unique in that it
has attracted upstream, downstream, distrbutors and
Free Software hackers together in one venue. Topics
range from the "deep technical" to "deep community".

Join us for this year's theme: "Free Java Momentum"
Check out our wiki for more details on the conference:
And join the

Please submit one (or more) 30 minute talk proposal(s) by
the 30th of December 2011 to
A template for submitting a talk can be found at:

Please join us!

--The Free Java DevRoom Organizing Committee
  Andrew Haley, Red Hat
  Dalibor Topic, Oracle
  Dr Andrew John Hughes, Red Hat
  Mark Wielaard, IcedTea
  Sylvestre Ledru, Debian
  Tom Marble, Informatique

p.s. We had some nice media coverage last year...

FLOSS Weekly 152: FOSDEM

Linux Outlaws 191 - Special: FOSDEM Coverage

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