
Yes, Bono is multi-threaded. It’s architected with a transport thread which 
handles incoming PJSIP requests and a number of worker threads, which SIP 
messages are dispatched onto.

The worker threads are created by thread_dispatcher. By default bono has one 
worker thread per CPU core.

The threads are created using PJSIP’s pj_thread functions.



From: Clearwater [] On 
Behalf Of yan morris
Sent: 31 August 2016 17:05
Subject: [Project Clearwater] Is Bono a multi-thread program?

Hi ,

I want to know , if Bono is a multi-thread program or not.

I see the source code of Bono , I look at the function "proxy_on_rx_request"

which process incoming request , but I don't see any code is creating a new 
thread when request income .

Therefore ,  I want to know if Bono processes request using multi-thread ?

If it does , could you tell where I can find the codes which concerned about?

(or It is implemented by PJSIP , please let me know , too)

Thank you very much


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