
You are encountering this problem.  https://github.com/SIPp/sipp/issues/199

There seem to be suggestions of what to try.

Mark Perryman.

From: Clearwater <clearwater-boun...@lists.projectclearwater.org> On Behalf Of 
Junaid Ali
Sent: 11 December 2018 12:18
To: clearwater@lists.projectclearwater.org
Subject: Re: [Project Clearwater] Initiating calls between two SIPp instances

Hi Mark,
Just found the cause of that 200 OK response. Actually, I was using "-aa" as an 
argument to SIPp tool on the callee machine. The man page of SIPp for '-aa' 
argument says: "Enable automatic 200 OK answer for INFO, UPDATE and NOTIFY 

I have removed the '-aa' parameter, but now I'm getting this error on the 
callee machine: http://ix.io/1vNj. I googled a little bit about this error and 
it seems to me that this might be due to different call-ids on caller and 
callee responses. SIPp output for callee: http://ix.io/1vNl

On caller node, I'm getting 408 Timeout error for INVITE sig: http://ix.io/1vNn

Sprout logs: http://ix.io/1vNg
Bono logs: http://ix.io/1vNh

Kind Regards,

On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 11:25 AM Junaid Ali 
<junaidaliya...@gmail.com<mailto:junaidaliya...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Let me check and get back to you in a few minutes please.

On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 11:23 AM Mark Perryman 
<mark.perry...@metaswitch.com<mailto:mark.perry...@metaswitch.com>> wrote:
So bono’s log

11-12-2018 10:27:40.054 UTC Verbose common_sip_processing.cpp:136: TX 2739 
bytes Request msg INVITE/cseq=4 (tdta0x7fc5f0052330) to TCP<>:
suggests that the INVITE is sent to the callee.

Something is then responding 200 OK

11-12-2018 10:27:40.055 UTC Verbose common_sip_processing.cpp:120: RX 689 bytes 
Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=4 (rdata0x7fc5f80046f0) from TCP<>:

Is something else running on the callee machine that might be responding 
instead of the SIPp script.


From: Clearwater 
 On Behalf Of Junaid Ali
Sent: 11 December 2018 10:50
Subject: Re: [Project Clearwater] Initiating calls between two SIPp instances

Hi Mark,

Apologies for the late reply. I have tried the above scenario files as well but 
couldn't make the call work.
I'm registering a number on the caller and callee machines for initiating the 
calls using this csv file: http://ix.io/1vMI

Here is the scenario file on caller machine: http://ix.io/1vME
which first registers a number (2010000000) and then send an invite to callee 

On callee machine, I'm registering a number (2010000002) and waiting for the 
call to establish using this scenario file: http://ix.io/1vMF

The SIPp output on the callee machine looks like this: http://ix.io/1vMK which 
shows that it gets timeout waiting for INVITE from the caller.
The output of /var/log/clearwater-sipp/sip-stress_6766_errors.log on callee is: 
which suggests that INVITE is received on the callee machine but it doesn't get 
reflected in the SIPp output.

The SIPp output the caller machine is: http://ix.io/1vML

Bono output at log_level=5: http://ix.io/1vMN
Sprout output at log_level=5: http://ix.io/1vMM

I'm not sure if I'm missing anything in my scenario file since I don't observe 
any error messages in bono and sprout logs. Your help is much appreciated.

Kind Regards,

On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 4:10 PM Mark Perryman 
<mark.perry...@metaswitch.com<mailto:mark.perry...@metaswitch.com>> wrote:
The basic client and server scripts that ship with SIPp itself should be 


Hope that helps, let me know if that doesn’t work.

Mark Perryman.

From: Clearwater 
 On Behalf Of Junaid Ali
Sent: 04 December 2018 14:10
Subject: [Project Clearwater] Initiating calls between two SIPp instances

Hi guys,
I am trying to create a call between two SIPp instances (caller and callee) 
using Clearwater IMS. Can anyone share the scenario files for caller and callee 
please if anyone has tried the same scenario?

I have looked at the default scenario file which is present in the sip-stress 
package but that emulates the same node as both caller and callee.

Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks.

Kind Regards,

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