Hi Milton,

On Wed, Jan 11, 2017, at 06:23 AM, Milton Ott wrote:
> Fully blown sickness Andrew Bradford, thanks for the most excellent
> update man!.

Thanks! Glad you appreciate it :)

> The dynamic loader symlink needed to be created here, maybe a note to the
> INSTALL file in the musl distribution would be good for noobies like me.

Yeah, sorry about that.  It's a known issue (but I can't currently find
a link to the archived mailing list threads talking about it, sorry) but
I've now opened a trac ticket who's end result will fix this.  The trac
ticket will also have other impacts, but basically we should just do
another build of musl in chapter 5, before busybox, and install directly
into the targetfs.

> One final comment for `` 8.5.2. Installation of Netplug Bootscripts '''
> There is no netplug bootscript in bootscripts-embedded-HEAD.tar.gz.
> The package itself appears to have have installed one, which needs some
> modification.

Yes, there is a trac ticket already for this:

> Again, outstanding work Andrew and ta for that. The little system I have
> seems to be fairly healthy and motoring: http://dpaste.com/3JXKQ74.txt

Cool! :)

> Take it easy man! and maybe I'll see you around sometime. :)

Thanks! You too,
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