Yeah, I have been trying to copy that one. I have been having trouble with the 

ColumnPath = #columnPath{column_family="emails", column="username"},

The erl shell complains that columnPath is undefined.

----- Original Message -----
From: "aaron morton" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2011 6:57:18 PM
Subject: Re: Cassandra 0.8 and Erlang

There is an erlang client here no idea 
what the quality or completeness is like. 


Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer

On 18 Jun 2011, at 06:47, Konstantin Naryshkin wrote:

> I am working on getting an erlang application to write to Cassandra 0.8.0 . I 
> installed Thrift and used it to generate erlang from cassandra.thrift (using 
> thrift --gen erl cassandra.thrift ). I tried to copy the syntax from several 
> examples that I found, unfortunately I found the following issue: Gets (the 
> method that I am trying out) requires me to pass in a columnPath. The syntax 
> that I see in every example that I have looked at is something like: 
> Cp = #columnPath{column_family="ipdr_usage"}. 
> Which gives me an error of: "* 1: record columnPath undefined" 
> I tried to import and compile just about everything I could think of. 
> Obviously I tried both 
> c(cassandra_types). 
> and 
> import(cassandra_types). 
> I am very new at Erlang, so it may be something very stupid, but does any one 
> have any suggestion or any good examples of how to do it? 
> Konstantin 

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