I've been experimenting with Clojure and RabbitMQ using the langohr 
library.  Thank you for building and sharing it.

I've been learning more about the care and feeding of a rabbitmq server.  I 
crashed mine installed on my dev laptop several times by filling a queue 
with messages.  If queues fill up and memory gets tight, a server can be 
overwhelmed and fall over.  If I set or arrange for a reasonable memory 
limit, things go ok. I am now running RabbitMQ in a Docker container with a 
memory limit.

My latest experiments were with lazy queues, which are supposed to write 
events to disk and not exhaust memory.  I still seem to hit..well, not hit, 
rather, an asymptotic limit at around 261 million events in the queue.  Is 
this considered outrageously and unreasonably large?  Publication rate 
slowed to 700/s.

I also notice that if the consumers are caught up with the producer 
everything seems to scream at twice the rate than when storage is used. If 
storage is used I'm seeing about 6000r/s.  That's cool...just not exactly 
what I expected from the description of a lazy queue.


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