I hate asking questions like these, but I'm out of ideas, since I'm new to 

I have a proof-of-concept working with cljs-http, then it suddenly stopped, and 
I'm not sure why.  It's a dead simple call of cljs-http with a local URL.

I'm seeing this is my javascript console on Firefox: TypeError: c.listen is not 
a function

Here's the context:
 cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, cljs_http.core.pending_requests, 
cljs.core.assoc, f, c);
  c.listen(goog.net.EventType.COMPLETE, function(a) {
    a = a.target;
    cljs.core.async.put_BANG_.call(null, f, new 
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, 4, [new cljs.core.Keyword(null, "status", 
"status", 4416389988), a.getStatus(), new cljs.core.Keyword(null, "body", 
"body", 1016933652), a.getResponseText(), new cljs.core.Keyword(null, 
"headers", "headers", 1809212152), cljs_http.util.parse_headers.call(null, 
a.getAllResponseHeaders()), new cljs.core.Keyword(null, "trace-redirects", 
"trace-redirects", 4143757569), new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 2, 5, 
    [g, a.getLastUri()], null)], null));
    cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, cljs_http.core.pending_requests, 
cljs.core.dissoc, f);
    return cljs.core.async.close_BANG_.call(null, f);
  c.send(g, e, a, d);
  return f;

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