We ended up with a similar path with other folks that posted.  We started with 
Om, but found it brought with it a lot of incidental complexity.  Switching to 
Reagent has been very simple and we've been very happy with the transition.  

For us, the code is understandable quickly, feels like less of a burden to 
maintain, and productivity has gone up substantially


On Thursday, October 23, 2014 6:04:31 AM UTC-7, Colin Yates wrote:
> (apologies if I have overlooked any of this in the docs, it isn't from lack 
> of reading, more reaching saturation point - RTFM is a perfectly good 
> response if it contains a link to the relevant bit :))
> My use case is that I have a non-trivial single page app. Inside this app 
> there are a number of distinct areas, for a completely made up domain of car 
> rental:
>  - searching for/editing/adding a new customer
>  - searching for/editing/adding a car
>  - assigning a car to a customer
>  - receiving a car from a customer
>  - removing a car due to maintenance/crash 
>  - various reports - top 10 customers, top 10 cars etc.
>  - and so on
> Each functional area is pretty unrelated from the others. Inside each 
> functional area there are individual components that all need to talk to each 
> other.
> Is it true that om really wants to manage the entire application state in a 
> single atom. So we might have an atom map structured with keys referencing 
> each functional area {:car-search {} :patient-search {} ...}? I understand 
> that this isn't inefficient as components receive a cursor into their bit of 
> the map thus avoiding unnecessary false changes.
> The main app will have an expandable left panel containing the global menu. 
> In dom-manipulation world I would add a "collapsed" or "expanded" CSS class 
> which defined the appropriate widths etc. In om (or rather react) land this 
> is still possible I think, but is it more idiomatic to store the 
> expanded/collapsed flag in the application state thus causing the "panel" 
> component to re-render, the panel component then switching on that 
> "expanded?" flag? The "central" panel also needs to be resized in response to 
> the expansion/collapse, thus both components need to be in-sync. How is this 
> idiomatically handled?
> In the more general case, there are components that need to be shown/hidden 
> (tabs, validation pop-up errors etc.). In dom-manipulation world I would set 
> css classes to change style's visibility for example, is this idiomatically 
> done through flags in the application state?
> I am stumped as to how routing navigation fits into something like om. Again, 
> is it a case that the navigation handlers simply update the application 
> state? (You can see a theme in my thinking here!)
> In terms of reagent is it true to say that it is a bit less opinionated about 
> these things and where-as om has a very opinionated approach to front-end 
> state management (happening to use om), reagent is a (very nice) wrapper to 
> om? Not to trivialize reagent, but is is "simply" trying to introduce 
> clojurescript to react?
> Is it also true to say that whilst om wants to manage the whole application, 
> reagent allows you to think about disconnected bits of your app?
> FWIW - reagent appeals to my pragmatic "need to get stuff done" and it feels 
> very un-opinionated and very lightweight. However, the more I read about om 
> the more it jives with me. However, I am in the pattern of "yeah, that is how 
> I would solve that problem", I just can't quite connect the dots in the 
> bigger picture. 
> It is also worth saying that there are no losers here, I am sure I will be 
> delighted using either om or reagent.
> I think that is sufficient for now - thanks for reading, and thanks even more 
> for responding :).

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