
I am still trying to integrate resumable.js. Got it mostly working so far.
What I currenlty do is this. Define a global resumable object:

(defonce resumable (js/Resumable. (clj->js {:target  "/files/upload"
                                            :headers {:X-CSRF-Token 
(h/get-value "glob_anti_forgery")}
                                            :query {:g-uuid #()}})))

And here we see the problem already. If I want to provide additional query 
parameters for the POST of resumable.js. You can do this with the :query key 
value pair.

I want to provide some parameter depending on user input, so this will change 
after the construction of the resumable object. And the change will reside 
inside the db, which I cannot access from the outside as far as I can tell, but 
only via register-handler and register-sub.

Did someone already solve a similar problem?

The only thing that comes to my mind is global js state, which would be an 
anti-pattern to re-frame I guess.

Best Regards,

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