Any reason why you wanted to have a wrapper to React? freactive doesn't seem to 
be a wrapper, although functionality might be similar.

Anyway, thx - I'm thinking of using them both for a real (but small) for-fun 
project. Might be the only way find out :). I'll keep in touch.

Op dinsdag 14 april 2015 17:24:42 UTC+2 schreef Alan Moore:
> I tried them both and they are equally viable for most projects. In my case I 
> was looking for the thinnest possible wrapper to React - and I don't use 
> *any* of the ratom or other state tracking features so my use requirements 
> are a bit out of the mainstream. I just needed a view layer.
> I ended up with Rum for this reason but it was very much a toss up. I found I 
> could understand the code base slightly better and liked the simplicity of 
> the mixin support. I also found an example of integrating Datascript with Rum 
> (same author) that was helpful because I had to integrate a similar data 
> engine.
> Freactive might be a better choice if you have a lot of animations - I seem 
> to remember that it has explicit support for it... TBD. Let us know how you 
> get on with whatever you choose.
> Good luck.

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