It is my understanding that your second code snippet leaks memory. I think
I remember Mike saying that you cannot safely create a reaction (which
subscribe does) in render.

Your first snippet looks OK to me as long as results doesn't change for the
duration of the component.
I guess the only ways I can think of making this work if results is dynamic
is that location/render returns a map of all data and you key into it
during render. Or the parent retrieves the data for each row rather than
just id and passes it to row (and row is a dumb component).

On Thu, 21 May 2015 09:24 Colin Yates <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a use-case where the component is given an id and it uses a generic
> 'reference-data' (e.g. :location/render) subscription to render. Is it
> possible and idiomatic to do something like:
> (register-sub
>   :location/render
>   (fn [db [id]] ....))
> (defn row
>   [{:keys [location-id]}]
>   (let [location-desc (subscribe [:location/render location-id])
>   (fn [state]
>     [:tr [:td @location-desc]]))
> (defn rows [results]
>   [:tbody
>     (doseq [r results]
>       [row r])])
> My understanding is that it isn't as 'row' is a form-2 component and the
> data passed to the 'row' form is scoped to the constructor whereas the
> 'state' passed to the fn returned by 'row' is per-invocation.
> In which case I do:
> (defn row
>   [{:keys [location-id]}]
>   (let [location-desc (subscribe [:location/render location-id])
>     [:tr [:td @location-desc]])
> Which feels wrong, but it might be fine.
> Clarity please :).
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