We are pleased to announce the release of Clojure 1.7.

- Download: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/clojure/clojure/1.7.0/
- Leiningen: [org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]

The two headline features for 1.7 are transducers and reader conditionals.
Also see the complete list (
https://github.com/clojure/clojure/blob/master/changes.md) of all changes
since Clojure 1.6 for more details.

## Transducers

Transducers (http://clojure.org/transducers) are composable algorithmic
transformations. They are independent from the context of their input and
output sources and specify only the essence of the transformation in terms
of an individual element. Because transducers are decoupled from input or
output sources, they can be used in many different processes - collections,
streams, channels, observables, etc. Transducers compose directly, without
awareness of input or creation of intermediate aggregates.

Many existing sequence functions now have a new arity (one fewer argument
than before). This arity will return a transducer that represents the same
logic but is independent of lazy sequence processing. Functions included
are: map, mapcat, filter, remove, take, take-while, drop, drop-while,
take-nth, replace, partition-by, partition-all, keep, keep-indexed,
map-indexed, distinct, and interpose. Additionally some new transducer
functions have been added: cat, dedupe, and random-sample.

Transducers can be used in several new or existing contexts:

* into - to collect the results of applying a transducer
* sequence - to incrementally compute the result of a transducer
* transduce - to immediately compute the result of a transducer
* eduction - to delay computation and recompute each time
* core.async - to apply a transducer while values traverse a channel

## Portable Clojure and Reader Conditionals

It is now common to see a library or application targeting multiple Clojure
platforms with a single codebase. Clojure 1.7 introduces a new extension
(.cljc) for files that can be loaded by Clojure and ClojureScript (and
other Clojure platforms).

There will often be some parts of the code that vary between platforms. The
primary mechanism for dealing with platform-specific code is to isolate
that code into a minimal set of namespaces and then provide
platform-specific versions (.clj/.class or .cljs) of those namespaces.

To support cases where is not feasible to isolate the varying parts of the
code, or where the code is mostly portable with only small
platform-specific parts, 1.7 provides Reader Conditionals (

Reader conditionals are a new reader form that is only allowed in portable
cljc files. A reader conditional expression is similar to a cond in that it
specifies alternating platform identifiers and expressions. Each platform
is checked in turn until a match is found and the expression is read. All
expressions not selected are read but skipped. A final :default fallthrough
can be provided. If no expressions are matched, the reader conditional will
read nothing. The reader conditional splicing form takes a sequential
expression and splices the result into the surrounding code.

## Contributors

Thanks to all of those who contributed patches to Clojure 1.7:

Timothy Baldridge
Bozhidar Batsov
Brandon Bloom
Michael Blume
Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant
Aaron Cohen
Pepijn de Vos
Andy Fingerhut
Gary Fredricks
Daniel Solano Gómez
Stuart Halloway
Immo Heikkinen
Andrei Kleschinsky
Howard Lewis Ship
Alex Miller
Steve Miner
Nicola Mometto
Tomasz Nurkiewicz
Ghadi Shayban
Paul Stadig
Zach Tellman
Luke VanderHart
Jozef Wagner
Devin Walters
Jason Wolfe
Steven Yi

Also, continued thanks to the total list of contributors from all releases:

Alex Miller

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