I looked at garden but never used it. It seems like a direct alternative to 
SCSS/Less, but nothing more.

The intent of shadow.markup (sorry, couldn't think of a better name yet) is 
that I basically never want to write a single selector ever again. There are 
several cases where this is still needed but way less than I usually do.

You get several things for free by combining the actual HTML Tag with its CSS.

This is a pretty good introduction to the topic of css-in-js and 
styled-components for React

My API is very much inspired by this library, although less strings and more 
Clojure. There are many more implementations of this here: 

Let me try with some sample Clojure code. You'd write something like this to 
generate a simple html snippet:

(ns my.site
  (:require [hiccup.page :refer (html5))

(defn page-html [title body]
    [:h1.box__title "foo"]
    [:div.box__content body]]]))

Here we invented tree css classnames that we need to remember here and 
whereever we get the actual CSS from. This over time leads to this: 
http://mrmrs.io/writing/2016/03/24/scalable-css/ at least it did for me in just 
about every project ever. Garden does not do anything in this regard I think, 
you still define things in two different places.

With shadow.markup you do this:

;; put all defstyled elements in a separate namespace in a .cljc, so you can 
use it everywhere.
(ns my.html.box
  (:require [shadow.markup.css :as css :refer (defstyled)]))
(defstyled box :div
 {:padding 10
  :border "1px solid green"})

(defstyled title :h1
 {:color "red"})

(defstyled contents :div

;; my/site.clj
(ns my.site
  (:require [my.html.box :as box]
            [hiccup.page :refer (html5))

(defn page-html [title body]
     (box/box {}
      (box/title {} title)
      (box/contents {} body)))

You do not need to remember whether to use a :h1 or :div, you just directly use 
the elements. Since everything in CLJ(S) is namespaced we get a safe naming 
scheme for CSS classes for free as well. You just write normal CLJ(S) code, you 
don't need to context switch and synchronize the class names back and forth. 
Refactoring the defstyled name in Cursive will rename all of its uses as well 
the CSS classnames. The CLJS version with :advanced gives you dead code removal 
for free, so if you don't use an element it's CSS will be removed as well.

There are many more things but the basic idea is to bundle the CSS with the 
HTML that uses it while still supporting all of CSS (ie. no inline styles) and 
remaining pure Clojure.


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