jQuery includes CSS-like dom selection syntax. There are many ClojureScript 
libs which do this too, some of which are here 
<http://www.lispcast.com/cljs-dom-manipulation>:, along with their relative 

You might get more replies by going through the exercise of doing an 
initial translation yourself and then asking for feedback. And also by 
explaining why you're interested in such a translation. E.g., are you 
shopping for elegant syntax in your next language of choice? If so, I'd 
recommend researching Lisp macros, because Clojure/Script is a Lisp and 
provides elegant meta-programming facilities via its (initially) funny 
looking syntax, which is in fact very consistent within itself, much like 
legos are consistent in the way they snap together and compose. This is its 
superpower, a point which may get lost in a superficial comparison of 
syntax aesthetics.

Here's a resource <https://lambdaisland.com/episodes/clojurescript-interop> 
to help with learning JavaScript interop via ClojureScript.

It might be a more reasonable comparison to first translate your jQuery 
code into JavaScript, and only then translate the JavaScript into 
ClojreScript, because JavaScript is the lingua franca between them. Let me 
know if you bump into any difficulties.


On Thursday, August 3, 2017 at 5:25:33 PM UTC-4, zbm wrote:
> Jquery to get the table td values
> $('#table1 tbody > tr').each(function() {
>  name = $(this).find('td.name').text();
>  id = $(this).find('td.id').text();
> }
> What will be clojurescript equivalent of the above jquery?

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