This looks awesome - well done to you all!

Sent from my iPhone

> On 24 Mar 2018, at 08:49, Daniel Compton <> 
> wrote:
> Look, without wanting to hype it too much, re-frame-10x 0.3.0 contains a 
> feature likely to send ecstatic, Kundalini energy surging through every 
> chakra in your body. The windows of your room might blast outwards as you 
> read about it. (In a world where everything is "awesome", "all the time", how 
> do we indicate something is interesting and worth a look?).
> `re-frame-10x` now provides an interactive, explorative UI through which you 
> can browse the form-by-form execution trace of the ClojureScript code in your 
> event handlers.  You can inspect the data produced by every ClojureScript 
> form, while retaining overall context.
> <estim8-demo.png>
> To instrument the code in an event handler, simply replace your current use 
> of `fn` or `defn` with with the alternatives `fn-traced` or `defn-traced`. 
> (ns
>   (:require [ :refer-macros [fn-traced defn-traced]]))
> (re-frame.core/reg-event-db 
>   :some-event
>   (fn-traced [db event]     ;; <--- use `fn-traced` instead of `fn`
>      ; ... code in here to be traced
>      ))
> Instructions for enabling the code tracing are available at 
> Limitations/cautions:
> * This code tracing feature should be considered experimental but still 
> useful. 
> * Currently only first level re-frame event handlers should be traced (not 
> the functions they call).
> * Operations like `map` or `for` operating on big sequences will generate too 
> much trace.  That will be a problem. Don't enable tracing for event handlers 
> which have that sort of processing. Not yet. 
> * Our logic for tracing may still have a few bugs. Early days. Please report 
> issues, we'll try and take care of them ASAP.
> Credit:
> This new feature wouldn't have been possible without the great work of Philos 
> Kim on debux. We have forked debux to make it fit with the re-frame tracing 
> system, and extend the code tracing, but a lot of the credit goes to him for 
> creating it in the first place.
> Enjoy!
> Daniel Compton, Mike Thompson, Gregg Ramsey, and the Day8 team.
> -- 
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