You can see the source layout as follows:

~/expr/cljs-template > tree src test
├── clj
│   └── flintstones
│       └── test_clj.clj
├── cljc
│   └── flintstones
│       ├── bambam.cljc
│       ├── core.cljc
│       ├── slate.cljc
│       └── test_cljs.cljc
└── cljs
    └── flintstones
        └── test_cljs.cljs
├── clj
├── cljc
│   └── tst
│       └── flintstones
│           ├── bambam.cljc
│           └── slate.cljc
└── cljs
    └── tst
        └── flintstones
            ├── dino.cljs
            ├── doorunner.cljs
            ├── pebbles.cljs
            └── wilma.cljs

13 directories, 12 files

On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 2:17 PM Alan Thompson <> wrote:

> I have a nice setup for CLJS testing using the `doo` test framework.  It
> can run tests either at the command line using `phantomjs` or in the
> browser (eg Chrome).  It has source and test dirs segregrated into `clj`,
> `cljc`, and `cljs` subdirs so you can get macros and dual-use code working
> correctly.  You can see it here:
> A sample run:
> ~/expr/cljs-template > lein clean ; time lein doo phantom test once
> ;; ======================================================================
> ;; Testing with Phantom:
> doorunner - beginning
> doorunner - end
> Testing tst.flintstones.dino
> test once - enter
> globalObject:   #js {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3}
> (-> % .-b (+ 5) => 7
> (js/makeDino) => #js {:desc blue dino-dog, :says #object[Function]}
> dino.desc =>  blue dino-dog
> dino.says(5) =>  Ruff-Ruff-Ruff-Ruff-Ruff!
> :keep-words ("am" "having" "today")
> :re-seq ("am" "having" "today")
> test once - leave
> Testing tst.flintstones.wilma
> test each - enter
> test each - leave
> test each - enter
> wilmaPhony/stats:    #js {:lipstick red, :height 5.5}
> wilma => #js {:desc patient housewife, :says #object[Function]}
> test each - leave
> Testing tst.flintstones.pebbles
> test once - enter
> test once - leave
> Testing tst.flintstones.slate
> logr-slate-enter
> logr-slate-leave 3
> Testing tst.flintstones.bambam
> test each - enter
> test each - leave
> test each - enter
> logr-bambam-enter
> logr-bambam-leave 3
> test each - leave
> Ran 9 tests containing 22 assertions.
> 0 failures, 0 errors.
> lein doo phantom test once  38.52s user 0.84s system 333% cpu 11.813 total
> On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 10:14 AM Gareth James <> wrote:
>> I'm currently researching different methods for testing clojurescipt
>> code, specifically unit testing, automated browser testing and code
>> coverage. I'm specifically trying to find more information about the use of
>> cljs.test and cljs.spec either individually or together. Could anyone share
>> any experience they have of using either of these or any other information
>> about how they are testing their code.
>> Thanks
>> Gareth
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