Am Fr., 28. Dez. 2018 um 01:48 Uhr schrieb Philos Kim <>:

> The third party JS library I use requires implementing the static getter
> method of ES6.

AFAIK ClojureScript doesn't have a construct to generate getters / setters.
You can implement those via Object.defineProperty

Could anyone tell me how I can implement the following simple code in
> ClojureScript?
> class Person{
>   constructor(){
>     this._name = 'jack';
>   };
>   static get name(){
>     return this._name;
>   }
>   static set name(val){
>     this._name = val;
>   }
> }

(def Person
  (let [constructor (fn [] (this-as t (set! (.-_name t) "jack")))
        proto (doto #js{}
                (js/Object.defineProperty "name"
                  #js{:get #(this-as t (.-_name t))
                      :set #(this-as t (set! (.-_name t) %))}))]
    (set! (.-prototype constructor) proto)

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