Review: Approve

Wow thanks for the epic docstring rewrite across all integration tests.
It really is a lot easier to read.

I think all of my comments on the previous branch have been addressed. thank 

Since the visual diff is so large it isn't fully rendered here.

Couple inline comments remain and

=I can't comment inline for the following:

 - s/[Ss]anatize/[Ss]anitize/

 - s/#return_value/@return_value/

  - s/Utilies/Utilities/ in module docstring

  - From a previous branch comment, I still think the tmpdir function defined 
here is has limited benefit in redefining a wrapper that passes a 
prefix='cloud_test_util', why don't we just call  
tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cloud_test_util') in the two call sites in 

+1 after that set of changes. Thanks for this herculean effort. With such a 
large diff it's hard to catch all the issues effectively. But, since it's 
integration testing I'm not worried that we can iron out anything that remains 
on subsequent passes/iterations.

Diff comments:

> diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/ b/tests/cloud_tests/
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..53dbf74
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/tests/cloud_tests/
> @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
> +# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
> +
> +"""Used to build a deb."""
> +
> +from functools import partial
> +import os
> +import tempfile
> +
> +from cloudinit import util as c_util
> +from tests.cloud_tests import (config, LOG)
> +from tests.cloud_tests import (platforms, images, snapshots, instances)
> +from tests.cloud_tests.stage import (PlatformComponent, run_stage, 
> run_single)
> +
> +build_deps = ['devscripts', 'equivs', 'git', 'tar']
> +
> +
> +def _out(cmd_res):
> +    """Get clean output from cmd result."""
> +    return cmd_res[0].strip()
> +
> +
> +def build_deb(args, instance):
> +    """Build deb on system and copy out to location at args.deb.
> +
> +    @param args: cmdline arguments
> +    @return_value: tuple of results and fail count
> +    """
> +    # update remote system package list and install build deps
> +    LOG.debug('installing build deps')
> +    pkgs = ' '.join(build_deps)
> +    cmd = 'apt-get update && apt-get install --yes {}'.format(pkgs)
> +    instance.execute(['/bin/sh', '-c', cmd])
> +    # TODO Remove this call once we have a ci-deps Makefile target
> +    instance.execute(['mk-build-deps', '--install', '-t',
> +                      'apt-get --no-install-recommends --yes', 'cloud-init'])
> +
> +    # local tmpfile that must be deleted
> +    local_tarball = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name

It looks like we aren't deleting this right? Should it be something like the 
following instead:

with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as local_tarfile:
   ... the rest of the code indented within this context and 

> +
> +    # paths to use in remote system
> +    output_link = '/root/cloud-init_all.deb'
> +    remote_tarball = _out(instance.execute(['mktemp']))
> +    extract_dir = _out(instance.execute(['mktemp', '--directory']))
> +    bddeb_path = os.path.join(extract_dir, 'packages', 'bddeb')
> +    git_env = {'GIT_DIR': os.path.join(extract_dir, '.git'),
> +               'GIT_WORK_TREE': extract_dir}
> +
> +    LOG.debug('creating tarball of cloud-init at: %s', local_tarball)
> +    c_util.subp(['tar', 'cf', local_tarball, '--owner', 'root',
> +                 '--group', 'root', '-C', args.cloud_init, '.'])
> +    LOG.debug('copying to remote system at: %s', remote_tarball)
> +    instance.push_file(local_tarball, remote_tarball)
> +
> +    LOG.debug('extracting tarball in remote system at: %s', extract_dir)
> +    instance.execute(['tar', 'xf', remote_tarball, '-C', extract_dir])
> +    instance.execute(['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', 'tmp', '--allow-empty'],
> +                     env=git_env)
> +
> +    LOG.debug('building deb in remote system at: %s', output_link)
> +    bddeb_args = args.bddeb_args.split() if args.bddeb_args else []
> +    instance.execute([bddeb_path, '-d'] + bddeb_args, env=git_env)
> +
> +    # copy the deb back to the host system
> +    LOG.debug('copying built deb to host at: %s', args.deb)
> +    instance.pull_file(output_link, args.deb)
> +
> +
> +def setup_build(args):
> +    """Set build system up then run build.
> +
> +    @param args: cmdline arguments
> +    @return_value: tuple of results and fail count
> +    """
> +    res = ({}, 1)
> +
> +    # set up platform
> +'setting up platform: %s', args.build_platform)
> +    platform_config = config.load_platform_config(args.build_platform)
> +    platform_call = partial(platforms.get_platform, args.build_platform,
> +                            platform_config)
> +    with PlatformComponent(platform_call) as platform:
> +
> +        # set up image
> +'acquiring image for os: %s', args.build_os)
> +        img_conf = config.load_os_config(platform.platform_name, 
> args.build_os)
> +        image_call = partial(images.get_image, platform, img_conf)
> +        with PlatformComponent(image_call) as image:
> +
> +            # set up snapshot
> +            snapshot_call = partial(snapshots.get_snapshot, image)
> +            with PlatformComponent(snapshot_call) as snapshot:
> +
> +                # create instance with cloud-config to set it up
> +      'creating instance to build deb in')
> +                empty_cloud_config = "#cloud-config\n{}"
> +                instance_call = partial(
> +                    instances.get_instance, snapshot, empty_cloud_config,
> +                    use_desc='build cloud-init deb')
> +                with PlatformComponent(instance_call) as instance:
> +
> +                    # build the deb
> +                    res = run_single('build deb on system',
> +                                     partial(build_deb, args, instance))
> +
> +    return res
> +
> +
> +def bddeb(args):
> +    """Entry point for build deb.
> +
> +    @param args: cmdline arguments
> +    @return_value: fail count
> +    """
> +'preparing to build cloud-init deb')
> +    (res, failed) = run_stage('build deb', [partial(setup_build, args)])
> +    return failed
> +
> +# vi: ts=4 expandtab
> diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/ b/tests/cloud_tests/
> index f3a13c9..fc16058 100644
> --- a/tests/cloud_tests/
> +++ b/tests/cloud_tests/
> @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
>  # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
> +"""Used to setup test configuration."""

Thanks for these, the more the merrier.

> +
>  import glob
>  import os
> diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/releases.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/releases.yaml
> index 183f78c..45deb58 100644
> --- a/tests/cloud_tests/releases.yaml
> +++ b/tests/cloud_tests/releases.yaml
> @@ -1,86 +1,253 @@
>  # ============================= Release Config 
> ================================
>  default_release_config:
> -    # all are disabled by default
> -    enabled: false
> -    # timeout for booting image and running cloud init
> -    timeout: 120
> -    # platform_ident values for the image, with data to identify the image
> -    # on that platform. see platforms.base for more information
> -    platform_ident: {}
> -    # a script to run after a boot that is used to modify an image, before
> -    # making a snapshot of the image. may be useful for removing data left
> -    # behind from cloud-init booting, such as logs, to ensure that data from
> -    # snapshot.launch() will not include a cloud-init.log from a boot used to
> -    # create the snapshot, if cloud-init has not run
> -    boot_clean_script: |
> -        #!/bin/bash
> -        rm -rf /var/log/cloud-init.log /var/log/cloud-init-output.log \
> -            /var/lib/cloud/ /run/cloud-init/ /var/log/syslog
> +    # global default configuration options
> +    default:
> +        # all are disabled by default
> +        enabled: false
> +        # timeout for booting image and running cloud init
> +        boot_timeout: 120
> +        # a script to run after a boot that is used to modify an image, 
> before
> +        # making a snapshot of the image. may be useful for removing data 
> left
> +        # behind from cloud-init booting, such as logs, to ensure that data
> +        # from snapshot.launch() will not include a cloud-init.log from a 
> boot
> +        # used to create the snapshot, if cloud-init has not run
> +        boot_clean_script: |
> +            #!/bin/bash
> +            rm -rf /var/log/cloud-init.log /var/log/cloud-init-output.log \
> +                /var/lib/cloud/ /run/cloud-init/ /var/log/syslog
> +        # test script to determine if system is booted fully
> +        system_ready_script: |
> +            # permit running or degraded state as both indicate complete boot
> +            [ $(systemctl is-system-running) = 'running' -o
> +              $(systemctl is-system-running) = 'degraded' ]
> +        # test script to determine if cloud-init has finished
> +        cloud_init_ready_script: |
> +            [ -f '/run/cloud-init/result.json' ]
> +        # currently used features and their uses are:
> +        # features groups and additional feature settings
> +        feature_groups: []
> +        features: {}
> +
> +    # lxd specific default configuration options
> +    lxd:
> +        # default sstreams server to use for lxd image retrieval
> +        sstreams_server:
> +        # keep base image, avoids downloading again next run
> +        cache_base_image: true
> +        # lxd images from do not have the nocloud seed
> +        # templates in place, so the image metadata must be modified
> +        override_templates: true
> +        # arg overrides to set image up
> +        setup_overrides:
> +            # lxd images from do not come with
> +            # cloud-init, so must pull cloud-init in from repo using
> +            # setup_image.upgrade
> +            upgrade: true
> +
> +features:
> +    # all currently supported feature flags
> +    all:
> +        - apt       # image supports apt package manager
> +        - byobu     # byobu is available in repositories
> +        - landscape # landscape-client available in repos
> +        - lxd       # lxd is available in the image
> +        - ppa       # image supports ppas
> +        - rpm       # image supports rpms
> +        - snap      # supports snapd
> +        # NOTE: the following feature flags are to work around bugs in the
> +        #       images, and can be removed when no longer needed
> +        - hostname      # setting system hostname works

It'd be a nice naming convention if the bug-related feature were named with the 
LP bug.#.hostname or something so we know what fix to watch for in order to 
drop the feature flag from tests in the future.

> +        # NOTE: the following feature flags are to work around issues in the
> +        #       testcases, and can be removed when no longer needed
> +        - apt_src_cont  # default contents and format of sources.list matches
> +                        # ubuntu sources.list
> +        - apt_hist_fmt  # apt command history entries use full paths to apt
> +                        # executable rather than relative paths
> +        - daylight_time # timezones are daylight not standard time
> +        - apt_up_out    # 'Calculating upgrade..' present in log output from
> +                        # apt-get dist-upgrade output
> +        - engb_locale   # locale en_GB.UTF-8 is available
> +        - locale_gen    # the /etc/locale.gen file exists
> +        - no_ntpdate    # 'ntpdate' is not installed by default
> +        - no_file_fmt_e # the 'file' utility does not have a formatting error
> +        - ppa_file_name # the name of the source file added to 
> sources.list.d has
> +                        # the expected format for newer ubuntu releases
> +        - sshd          # requires ssh server to be installed by default
> +        - ssh_key_fmt   # ssh auth keys printed to console have expected 
> format
> +        - syslog        # test case requires syslog to be written by default
> +        - ubuntu_ntp    # expect to be used as ntp server
> +        - ubuntu_repos  # test case requres ubuntu repositories to be used
> +        - ubuntu_user   # test case needs user with the name 'ubuntu' to 
> exist
> +        # NOTE: the following feature flags are to work around issues that 
> may
> +        #       be considered bugs in cloud-init
> +        - lsb_release   # image has lsb_release installed, maybe should 
> install
> +                        # if missing by default
> +        - sudo          # image has sudo installed, should not be required
> +    # feature flag groups
> +    groups:
> +        base:
> +            hostname: true
> +            no_file_fmt_e: true
> +        ubuntu_specific:
> +            apt_src_cont: true
> +            apt_hist_fmt: true
> +            byobu: true
> +            daylight_time: true
> +            engb_locale: true
> +            landscape: true
> +            locale_gen: true
> +            lsb_release: true
> +            lxd: true
> +            ppa: true
> +            ppa_file_name: true
> +            snap: true
> +            sshd: true
> +            ssh_key_fmt: true
> +            sudo: true
> +            syslog: true
> +            ubuntu_ntp: true
> +            ubuntu_repos: true
> +            ubuntu_user: true
> +        debian_base:
> +            apt: true
> +            apt_up_out: true
> +            no_ntpdate: true
> +        rhel_base:
> +            rpm: true
>  releases:
> -    trusty:
> -        enabled: true
> -        platform_ident:
> -            lxd:
> -                # if sstreams_server is omitted, default is used, defined in
> -                # tests.cloud_tests.platforms.lxd.DEFAULT_SSTREAMS_SERVER as:
> -                # sstreams_server:
> -                #alias: ubuntu/trusty/default
> -                alias: t
> -                sstreams_server:
> -    xenial:
> -        enabled: true
> -        platform_ident:
> -            lxd:
> -                #alias: ubuntu/xenial/default
> -                alias: x
> -                sstreams_server:
> -    yakkety:
> -        enabled: true
> -        platform_ident:
> -            lxd:
> -                #alias: ubuntu/yakkety/default
> -                alias: y
> -                sstreams_server:
> -    zesty:
> -        enabled: true
> -        platform_ident:
> -            lxd:
> -                #alias: ubuntu/zesty/default
> -                alias: z
> -                sstreams_server:
> +    # UBUNTU 
> =================================================================
>      artful:
> -        enabled: true
> -        platform_ident:
> -            lxd:
> -                #alias: ubuntu/artful/default
> -                alias: a
> -                sstreams_server:
> -    jessie:
> -        platform_ident:
> -            lxd:
> -                alias: debian/jessie/default
> -    sid:
> -        platform_ident:
> -            lxd:
> -                alias: debian/sid/default
> +        # EOL: Jul 2018
> +        default:
> +            enabled: true
> +            feature_groups:
> +                - base
> +                - debian_base
> +                - ubuntu_specific
> +        lxd:
> +            sstreams_server:
> +            alias: artful
> +            setup_overrides: null
> +            override_templates: false
> +    zesty:
> +        # EOL: Jan 2018
> +        default:
> +            enabled: true
> +            feature_groups:
> +                - base
> +                - debian_base
> +                - ubuntu_specific
> +        lxd:
> +            sstreams_server:
> +            alias: zesty
> +            setup_overrides: null
> +            override_templates: false
> +    yakkety:
> +        # EOL: Jul 2017
> +        default:
> +            enabled: true
> +            feature_groups:
> +                - base
> +                - debian_base
> +                - ubuntu_specific
> +        lxd:
> +            sstreams_server:
> +            alias: yakkety
> +            setup_overrides: null
> +            override_templates: false
> +    xenial:
> +        # EOL: Apr 2021
> +        default:
> +            enabled: true
> +            feature_groups:
> +                - base
> +                - debian_base
> +                - ubuntu_specific
> +        lxd:
> +            sstreams_server:
> +            alias: xenial
> +            setup_overrides: null
> +            override_templates: false
> +    trusty:
> +        # EOL: Apr 2019
> +        default:
> +            enabled: true
> +            feature_groups:
> +                - base
> +                - debian_base
> +                - ubuntu_specific
> +            features:
> +                apt_up_out: false
> +                locale_gen: false
> +                lxd: false
> +                ppa_file_name: false
> +                snap: false
> +                ssh_key_fmt: false
> +                no_ntpdate: false
> +                no_file_fmt_e: false
> +            system_ready_script: |
> +                #!/bin/bash
> +                # upstart based, so use old style runlevels
> +                [ $(runlevel | awk '{print $2}') = '2' ]
> +        lxd:
> +            sstreams_server:
> +            alias: trusty
> +            setup_overrides: null
> +            override_templates: false
> +    # DEBIAN 
> =================================================================
>      stretch:
> -        platform_ident:
> -            lxd:
> -                alias: debian/stretch/default
> -    wheezy:
> -        platform_ident:
> -            lxd:
> -                alias: debian/wheezy/default
> +        # EOL: Not yet released
> +        default:
> +            enabled: true
> +            feature_groups:
> +                - base
> +                - debian_base
> +        lxd:
> +            alias: debian/stretch/default
> +    jessie:
> +        # EOL: Jun 2020
> +        # NOTE: the cloud-init version shipped with jessie is out of date
> +        #       tests work if an up to date deb is used
> +        default:
> +            enabled: true
> +            feature_groups:
> +                - base
> +                - debian_base
> +        lxd:
> +            alias: debian/jessie/default
> +    # CENTOS 
> =================================================================
>      centos70:
> -        timeout: 180
> -        platform_ident:
> -            lxd:
> -                alias: centos/7/default
> +        # EOL: Jun 2024 (2020 - end of full updates)
> +        default:
> +            enabled: true
> +            feature_groups:
> +                - base
> +                - rhel_base
> +            user_data_overrides:
> +                preserve_hostname: true
> +        lxd:
> +            features:
> +                # NOTE: (LP: #1575779)
> +                hostname: false
> +            alias: centos/7/default
>      centos66:
> -        timeout: 180
> -        platform_ident:
> -            lxd:
> -                alias: centos/6/default
> +        # EOL: Nov 2020
> +        default:
> +            enabled: true
> +            feature_groups:
> +                - base
> +                - rhel_base
> +            # still supported, but only bugfixes after may 2017
> +            system_ready_script: |
> +                #!/bin/bash
> +                [ $(runlevel | awk '{print $2}') = '3' ]
> +            user_data_overrides:
> +                preserve_hostname: true
> +        lxd:
> +            features:
> +                # NOTE: (LP: #1575779)
> +                hostname: false
> +            alias: centos/6/default
>  # vi: ts=4 expandtab

Your team cloud-init commiters is requested to review the proposed merge of 
~powersj/cloud-init:integration-test-revamp into cloud-init:master.

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