Hey --

An update on progress with the ostree/atomic work:

lmacken has written up a Fedmsg-triggered composer that runs ostree composes 
when repos are updated: https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedmsg-atomic-composer. 
As of our conversation earlier today, it's almost ready for testing in stg. 
We're thinking that we'll use compose01.stg for this purpose temporarily, since 
nothing's running on it at the moment. We'll stand up MM1 there and see if we 
can get it to play with the composer. The idea lmacken suggested is to inject 
the ostree summary data into the yum metadata, pointing repomd.xml at it (using 
modifyrepo). IMO this sounds like a solid plan.

That's about it for now. Another update in a few days.

-- oddshocks
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