On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 01:44:43PM -0400, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
> On 09/11/2015 11:59 AM, Matthew Miller wrote:
> > Since VirtualBox is the format the vast majority of Vagrant users will
> > want, that's... kind of a big deal. *sigh* Options I can see here are:
> > 
> > A) Scramble to find some way to do the VirtualBox testing.
> > 
> > B) Don't publish the VirtualBox images.
> > 
> > C) Publish the VirtualBox images, but put them in a Penalty Box with
> >    extra warnings
> > 
> > Any other ideas? Preferences? B seems the most responsible, yet also
> > the most sad. A would be highly unusual for our infrastructure. C could
> > expose us to looking bad if support breaks and no one notices.
> Is there a way we can test it out-of-band? I'm willing to do some manual
> testing as needed at least until we can come up with a longer term fix.
> A and/or C seem like the most useful options. B would be, as you say, sad.

So Lala and I have agreed to kind of head up the vagrant effort and
get the images into Atlas. Although we didn't explicitly talk about it
I think he is able to test VirtualBox while I am able to test Libvirt.
This is manual testing for now but hopefully we can go with A/C as a
result of this manual testing. 

Note: Lala is currently very sick but hopefully that won't last long.
If we had other volunteers that would be great!

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