On 08/25/2016 02:51 PM, Jason Brooks wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 11:43 AM, Dusty Mabe <du...@dustymabe.com> wrote:
>> Others have made some good comments in this thread. I'm really not as
>> concerned with these specific questions.
>> I think the deeper problem is that there needs to be (I think) a person
>> who is clearly identified to lead this effort (and ultimately this group).
>> I think a lot of times it is hard for contributors to make meaningful
>> contributions because the group is scattered and there is not really any
>> one person to ask for a definitive answer on things. Sometimes a user will
>> get a response back to a question/request/contribution, and sometimes not.
>> I'm not saying we need one person to do all of the work, or to even be
>> the expert in every area, but one person to at least know who is responsible
>> for each part and to track down when things don't get done.
>> As a group we haven't been very thorough and that has led to some
>> serious issues with some of our shipped bits at times. To be honest I
>> think we just need some dedicated leadership. Someone who crosses the
>> Ts and dots the Is and greases the skids so that it is easy to on-board
>> and make contributions. Hopefully this would lead to increased contribution
>> activity and a more vibrant community.
> This is sort of what I've been doing w/ CentOS Atomic, and I can do
> the same w/ Fedora Atomic -- there's a lot of overlap.

You've done an amazing job with CentOS Atomic. I think the best approach 
would actually be to have an additional "leader" person that worked hand in
hand with you as the CentOS lead. If we can't get an additional person 
then I would certainly support you in that role for Fedora, but I
would hope to not overload you too much.

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