On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 10:58 PM, Dusty Mabe <du...@dustymabe.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> In Fedora Atomic the release process is disjoint from the rest of
> Fedora in that our images aren't produced as part of the normal
> "production" composes and RCs.
> I will make it a point to send out an email like this on the same day
> that every RC is created in Fedora so that we can attempt to verify
> our images continue to work throughout the process.
> Please take some time and attempt to confirm our images from last
> nights compose is working:
> [qcow]
> http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/branched/Fedora-
> 25-20161109.n.0/compose/CloudImages/x86_64/images/
> Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64.qcow2
> [vagrant-libvirt]
> http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/branched/Fedora-
> 25-20161109.n.0/compose/CloudImages/x86_64/images/
> Fedora-Atomic-Vagrant-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64.vagrant-libvirt.box
> [vagrant-virtualbox]
> http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/branched/Fedora-
> 25-20161109.n.0/compose/CloudImages/x86_64/images/
> Fedora-Atomic-Vagrant-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64.vagrant-virtualbox.box
> Note that currently the ISO images aren't getting created. This is
> tracked in https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1392698
> Dusty
> _______________________________________________
> cloud mailing list -- cloud@lists.fedoraproject.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to cloud-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org

Here is the list of AMIs

Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (us-west-2)
ami-2cdf7c4c    hvm           standard
Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (us-west-1)
ami-61164301    hvm           standard
Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (sa-east-1)
ami-14c15e78    hvm           standard
Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (eu-west-1)
ami-d17325a2    hvm           standard
Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (eu-central-1)
ami-5bf70d34    hvm           standard
Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (ap-southeast-2)
ami-0c46796f    hvm           standard
Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (ap-southeast-1)
ami-3319b950    hvm           standard
Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (us-west-2)
ami-bfd97adf    hvm           gp2
Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (ap-northeast-1)
ami-b0349ad1    hvm           standard
Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (sa-east-1)
ami-b1c05fdd    hvm           gp2
Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (us-west-1)
ami-7c11441c    hvm           gp2
Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (eu-central-1)
ami-53f70d3c    hvm           gp2
Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (eu-west-1)
ami-4a732539    hvm           gp2
Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (ap-southeast-2)
ami-13457a70    hvm           gp2
Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (ap-southeast-1)
ami-2b19b948    hvm           gp2
Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (us-east-1)
ami-3fb69428    hvm           standard
Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (ap-northeast-1)
ami-923698f3    hvm           gp2
Fedora-Atomic-25-20161109.n.0.x86_64          EC2 (us-east-1)
ami-dab597cd    hvm           gp2

Sayan Chowdhury <https://sayanchowdhury.dgplug.org/>
Senior Software Engineer, Fedora Engineering - Emerging Platform
GPG Fingerprint : 0F16 E841 E517 225C 7D13  AB3C B023 9931 9CD0 5C8B

Proud to work at The Open Organization!
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