Hello everyone

I'm a long time user of LXC and use it for infrastructure development
or to run some local services on my Fedora laptop. As LXD [1] looks
like a useful tool to me and because I couldn't find any RPMs for it
(only found this GH issue [2]), I spent the past few days trying to
package LXD and it dependencies. I thought this is also a good
opportunity to make myself familiar with COPR. 

If you are interested, you can find my efforts in my COPR repository at
[3]. I have the basic setup running with Fedora 24. Fedora 25 and
CentOS 7 package builds still have some problems.

I have a bunch of packaging-(workflow-)related questions that I'd like
to clarify. Maybe there is someone in this ML that could help me with
that? Afterwards I'd like to also announce this repo on the LXC mailing
list. Maybe there are some more people who like to try out LXD on a
CentOS or Fedora platform. What do you think?


[1]: http://linuxcontainers.org/lxd
[2]: https://github.com/lxc/lxd/issues/1154
[3]: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ganto/lxd
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