On 02/24/2017 12:22 PM, Jonathan Lebon wrote:
>> - pre-loading containers on system startup
>>     * there is a need for being able to load containers on system
>>       startup into the container runtime. I think jlebon already
>>       worked on something like this maybe. Either way the idea is that
>>       we have a service that looks in a certain directory in the
>>       filesystem for container images and loads them into the runtime
>>       on startup and then deletes those images (or not depending on
>>       configuration). One could start a cloud image and mount a volume
>>       that these images are already loaded into. One could crack open
>>       the qcow and cp the files in, etc. Doesn't matter how they get
>>       to the "pre-defined" location, we'll import them.
> Yup, that's:
> https://github.com/jlebon/atomic-preload

cool. seems like we got most of the way there but never integrated it
into atomic host? Is it in any shipped version of atomic host that we

> You can also configure the containers to be started once
> they're loaded.

sweet, even better

> It's a rough design, but it does work. The workflow there
> was more centered around injecting from a kickstart, though
> yeah, it should work with any other injection method.

Yeah. I think the goal is to use a baked image that someone
else gives you but be able to either boot the instance and
mount a volume at /var/lib/atomic/preload/ before the service
runs or maybe we provide a small script that will crack open an
atomic qcow2 and store a few tar files into /var/lib/atomic/preload.

> Though the type of containers you'd want to preload (e.g
> daemons, network/cloud agents) would be better fit for
> system containers, which last I tried works if you just
> install as usual in the %post.
> You'd still need something like atomic-preload though for
> regular docker containers. There might be a use case for
> system containers as well if dynamic configuration is needed
> via e.g. cloud-init.
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