jberkus added a new comment to an issue you are following:
New rules found in issue #256:

New requirements:

    Every image is required to have a "description" label, which will be 1-3 
lines of human-readable text on what the image is for. This description is 
meant to be searchable by skopeo.

    Images are required to have either a "help" label or a "help" file, the 
latter being preferred. They should not have both.

    The Help file can be named "help.1" or "README.md". It must be COPYd into 
the image and reside in the root directory.

    If the maintainer prefers a "help" label, the label should include an 
executable command which displays a help page in some reasonable text format. 
Minimally, this could be as simple as "echo 'How to use this image'".

    For users who don't use the Atomic CLI, we will offer simple instructions 
on how to display the help ("docker run --rm some:image /bin/cat help1.txt && 
/bin/cat README.md").

    We will do nothing with URLs for the time being. Instead, we will implement 
a HELPURL system at some later date when we have the resources to do so 
completely automatically. In the meantime, help files are browseable on 

Does this work for everyone? In this case, the only required change to "atomic 
help" is supporting README.md. The reason we want that, btw, is for Github user 

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