On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 4:55 PM, Dusty Mabe <du...@dustymabe.com> wrote:
> On 06/05/2017 04:48 PM, Josh Boyer wrote:
>> Hi Atomic group,
>> The Atomic PRD (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Atomic/PRD) that was
>> recently drafted says that other CPU architectures can be added as new
>> community members join.  A perfectly fair and reasonable statement!
>> However, it now leads me to ask a question of you.  Do you have formal
>> ways for a new community member to join?  Is there an on-boarding
>> document in place?  I ask because we already have community members
>> willing to maintain other cpu architectures, particularly around ARM
>> for IoT and ppc64le for containers.
>> So aside from the work they have already done, such as request
>> composes for these architectures and do testing, what else would you
>> like to see in order for them to be official members?
> Hey Josh,
> We don't have anything official that I know of. For me it's all about
> the following:
> 1 - do people hang out in IRC/mailing list and show up for meetings
> 2 - do things get unbroken relatively quickly

I assume broken things get tickets or are somehow tracked?  Should
interested members assign themselves said tickets?

> 3 - does requested work get done in a timely manner

That one is interesting.  Requested by the WG?  That means the WG
would have to know of said person before being able to request that
they do something.  Somewhat of a chicken-egg scenario in the context
of new contributors, yes?

Or did you mean something like you have a wishlist or outstanding
ticket queue where new members could pick up items and work on them?
That can be daunting for totally new members, but not unworkable.

> If you want to formally be a member of the WG then doing those three
> things and requesting to be a formal member will most likely get you
> there. You can formally request to be a member by opening a ticket
> against our pagure instance.
> Note that formal WG membership doesn't really buy you much. We really
> take all of our community involvement seriously and I don't think
> we've ever not considered someones vote for something because they
> weren't an official member. We are glad to have everyone!
> I hope this helps answer your question

It does, mostly.  That matches my experience in Fedora overall.

I have another follow-on question, but I think I'll digest this a bit
before asking it.

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