strigazi added a new comment to an issue you are following:
Is there any update on this?

I think that a tag showing the version of the component is very useful. I 
discover this need when using kubernetes components. When you pull images like 
kubernetes-kubelet or even etcd you may need to pin down to a specific version. 
eg the google_containers have tags with the corresponding version.

for containers from the fedora registry we could have

I know that kubermetes is installed from the fedora repos inside the container 
and we don't set explicitly the version and when you pull the new images you 
get the latest. IMO, we need the version because, in some cases you may update 
to the latest kubernetes-kubelet image and get the up to date image with the 
same kube version and in some cases the version might change. One might want to 
update only if the kube version is the same or he might want to rollback. 
Another example is when a package is broken and you need to revert, you might 
want an updated fedora base but the previous component version. I had this 
issue with etcd. I wanted etcd 3.0.15 because there was a bug in 3.0.17 and 
with the fedora image I was getting only 3.0.17.

What do you think?

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