Hi all,

First mail to fedora-cloud, so I'll present myself as a Red Hat
employee that contributes to Fedora in my free time.

Last week I contacted Major Hayden about $SUJECT and he suggested
discussing it on the list, so here I am.

Some weeks ago I packaged `doctl`[1], the official CLI for
DigitalOcean. Also sent a PR for `linode-cli`[2] and updated some
Google API packages[3] to fix some other packages. Doing some new
package reviews, I found Major was working on `vultr-cli`[4] for Vultr
and `hcloud`[5] for Hetzner. I know he is also working on packaging
major public cloud CLI and API packages.

For me having these packages, and others, improves user experience
with Fedora, as we avoid users having to go GitHub or alike and
download some binary while we also provide a way to keep them updated.

I wrote Major asking if a new SIG or sub-SIG (is this a thing?) for
public cloud tools would be interesting and he pointed me to
fedora-cloud for further discussion.

For me it is, as we could have the following:

- A SIG packager group that could ease permission assignment rather
than have to go package by package or the need to be part of a larger
group like go-sig to be able to maintain some of the packages.
- A dashboard at packager-dashboard.fp.o to show the status of packages.
- Single Point of Contact in case any of the providers wants to
contact/suggest something about their tooling in Fedora.

I might be wrong due to ignorance, but I understand fedora-cloud as a
SIG to provide Fedora in the clouds and that’s why I was suggesting a
new SIG. If this effort can be part of fedora-cloud because it shares
the mission, then I’m in the correct forum.

Kind regards,
Mikel Olasagasti (mikelo2)

[1] https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/doctl
[2] https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/linode-cli/pull-request/1
[4] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2015278
[5] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2015296
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