

we found serious problem while searching. In some special situation (probably 
depends on the index size) 

repeating search does not return correct results or event ends with 
CLuceneError "read past EOF".


To achieve the error, the following sequence must be called:

1)  run a query 

2)  delete an instance of Analyzer (can be instantiated earlier but in the same 
thread) - this causes that the ThreadLocals objects are freed

3)  run the same query - THIS FAILS!!


In all the cases where the seach failed we switched off the compound files. 

Could some one help us with this issue? It seems that reading the index files 
is not working correctly.




PS: The following code is a test that demostrated the problem:





* Create index


Directory* prepareDirectory1()


      const TCHAR * tszDocText = _T( "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 
v w x y z ab bb cb db eb fb gb hb ib jb kb lb mb nb ob pb qb rb sb tb ub vb wb 
xb yb zb ac bc cc dc ec fc gc hc ic jc kc lc mc nc oc pc qc rc sc tc uc vc wc 
xc yc zc ad bd cd dd ed fd gd hd id jd kd ld md nd od pd qd rd sd td ud vd wd 
xd yd zd ae be ce de ee fe ge he ie je ke le me ne oe pe qe re se te ue ve we 
xe ye ze af bf cf df ef ff gf hf if jf kf lf mf" );


    char fsdir[CL_MAX_PATH];

      _snprintf(fsdir,CL_MAX_PATH,"%s/%s",cl_tempDir, "test.search");


    WhitespaceAnalyzer  analyzer;

    Directory*          pDirectory = 

      IndexWriter         writer( pDirectory, &analyzer, true );


    writer.setUseCompoundFile( false );


    Document* d = _CLNEW Document();

    d->add( *_CLNEW Field( _T("_content"), tszDocText, Field::STORE_NO | 


      _CLDELETE( d );



    return pDirectory;




* Run test


void testReadPastEOF(CuTest *tc)


    Directory*      pDirectory  = prepareDirectory1();

    Analyzer *      pAnalyzer   = NULL;

    Hits *          pHits       = NULL;

    IndexReader*    pReader     = IndexReader::open( pDirectory );

    IndexSearcher   searcher( pReader );


    CLUCENE_ASSERT( pReader->numDocs() == 1 );


    Term * t1 = new Term( _T( "_content" ), _T( "ze" ) );

    TermQuery * pQry1 = new TermQuery( t1 );

    _CLDECDELETE( t1 );


    pAnalyzer = new SimpleAnalyzer();

    pHits = searcher.search( pQry1 );

    _ASSERT( pHits->length() == 1 );

    CLUCENE_ASSERT( pHits->length() == 1 );

    _CLDELETE( pHits );


    // Removing the analyzer causes removing of ThreadLocals - also cached 

    _CLDELETE( pAnalyzer );



    pHits = searcher.search( pQry1 );

    _ASSERT( pHits->length() == 1 );

    CLUCENE_ASSERT( pHits->length() == 1 );

    _CLDELETE( pHits );


    _CLDELETE( pQry1 );



    _CLDELETE( pReader );



    _CLDECDELETE( pDirectory );




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