Hi all,
I unable to build contrib library on Windows 7 64 bit.
I created clucene-contribs-lib solution(Visual Studio 2010) using CMAKE UI.
I added clucene-core.lib and clucene-shared.lib as additional dependencies.
But then I try to build it I get multiple link errors:
LanguageBasedAnalyzer.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
"public: virtual class lucene::analysis::TokenStream * __cdecl
lucene::analysis::Analyzer::reusableTokenStream(char const *,class
lucene::util::Reader *)" (?reusableTokenStream@Analyzer@analysis@lucene
@@UEAAPEAVTokenStream@23@PEBDPEAVReader@util@3@@Z) ...
: fatal error LNK1120: 34 unresolved externals

It's seems that it for some reason clucene-contribs-lib can't find exports
from clucene-core.lib.

Thanks in advance, Vitaly
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