Unfortunately this method is not implemented. Use getFields()and filter out 
related fields manually. Something like

        std::vector<Field*> fields;
        const CL_NS(document)::Document::FieldsType * pFields = 
        if ( pFields )
            for ( CL_NS(document)::Document::FieldsType::const_iterator iFld = 
pFields->begin(); iFld != pFields->end(); iFld++ )
                if (_tcscmp( (*iFld)->name(), name ) == 0 )
                  fields.push_back( *iFld );

You can also use Document::getValues(const TCHAR* name) if you need only values

Hope this help


From: norbert barichard [mailto:norbert.barich...@diginext.fr]
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 2:04 PM
To: clucene-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [CLucene-dev] Document::getFields( const TCHAR* name, 
std::vector<Field*> &ret ) missing ?


I'm using CLucene in my project, and so far everything was going fine, 
until I wanted to use the Documenbt::getFields method with arguments. It's 
listed in the doxygen and is in Document.h, but as I was getting a link error, 
I checked Document.cpp, and the method isn't implemented there.

It's a bit annoying, did I miss something or has this method never been 
implemented ?

Thanks in advance
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