I'll bring my computer.  That way anyone so inclined can take a look at it.
Perhaps there'll be some new insights as to what's wrong with it;
I have blank DVDs.  I can't bring a monitor though because I'll be taking
the C-train and my hands will be full.



> > I'll bring my old computer on the 6th.  Will I need to bring a monitor?
> > One dvd can burn all I need.
> > I think I'm going to have to buy one of these external HDD => USB dongles.
> >
> Ralph (Rocky)
> >

> If you only have 1 DVDs worth of stuff, why not just bring the old HDD
> and one of us can copy those files from the HDD to a DVD and you can go
> home with that.  Beats lugging a whole computer around.

> Otherwise, I can bring an LCD Monitor and I've got some blank DVDs that
> need to used up too.

> Let me know by the 5th what you need and I'll bring it with me on the
> 6th.

> Cheers,
> J.J.

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